So... Living My Life

So... Living My Life
Washing an elephant in India

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Yes, I know. It's been quite a while since I last posted anything on this site. Let's just say I got sidetracked with other things (i.e., life) and the blog went by the wayside. But now I am ready to start blogging again, so, with any luck (which, by the way, I don't believe in), I will resurrect my blog.

Dog Banquet

My daughter, Kathleen, called me in stitches last night to tell me that her cat had stolen her just-cooked piece of chicken from the kitchen counter. By the time Kathleen discovered it was missing, there was only a small piece of it left, said piece clutched possessively between the jaws of Kathleen's tiny Chihauhua. Not sure how much the cat actually got to eat, but the dog had a feast.

This reminds me of something that happened in my own home a few years back. My husband Dennis had just had surgery (can't remember if it was for his ankle or hip) and was laid up in bed. My neighbor, Lyn, who is an excellent chef (he makes the best prison Mexican nachos ever!), had just cooked up a pot roast, complete with carrots and potatoes, and brought it to my house for Dennis and I to eat over the next couple days. It smelled delicious, and I couldn't wait to dig in. However, being a gracious hostess, I took Lyn upstairs for a short visit with Dennis. About 15 minutes later, it suddenly dawned on me that I had left the pot roast unattended on my kitchen counter. I quickly excused myself and ran downstairs. At the bottom of the stps sat my dog, a Keeshond named Dusty. I knew right then and there that there would be no pot roast tonight!

Once in the kitchen, I looked in the glass dish where there used to be a hot, wonderful pot roast, and saw only three lone carrots. There was not even a hint that a post roast ever existed . . .

. . . except for Dusty, sitting there looking content and licking his chops.